This is the thoughts section. Anything here is by me. Like everything else on this site, the only theme is no theme at all.
Listfauxgraphy: Not quite Listography, but pretty similar.
Listfauxgraphy Color Schemes: Download and edit as you wish.
Layouts: All layouts posted here are intended for desktop and mobile.
My Ambient Mixes: Links to mixes I've made on and 60min downloads, if I've purchased one.
Childhood Fears: Things I was afraid of once as a young child. 12Confessions Corner: Amusing confessions. Shh, don't tell anyone! 12Dream Journal: A collection of dreams and dream themes.
Photo Album: An album of some photos I took. 1234567Reviews: Reviews over a variety of random things.
Colorverse Skyline & Atlanta Ink | Night of the Lepus | Migi & Dali | Saiyuki RewatchSaiyuki Transparents: Made some transparents from Saiyuki manga art.
Greenwashing List: Common greenwashing techniques. Updated as I think of more.
Greenwashing You Love to Spread: Killer Cats: A rant about birdwatchers, greenwashing, and cat-haters.
B Nib Friendly Brands: Ranked from excellent to bad, a collection of notes on how different papers I've tried have faired with B nibs.
Pen + Inks Tried: Exactly what it says. A list of all the fountain pens and inks I've tried over the years.
Favorite Inks: My personal favorite inks, with photos of what they look like on paper for reference.
Hall of Shame: Wonderful messages from people who help make the web better with their beautiful SEO tactics.
He is Bison: In tribute of a memory of a specific Easter.